This page contains warnings for disturbing content and/or potential triggers in all released episodes of Duotang Chesterfield's Mystery Theatre. 

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Please note: this podcast falls within the genre of Crime/Mystery Fiction and so contains a General Warning of  illegal activity, police interactions, violence, and death. If you are sensitive to any of the preceding, your best bet is probably to stick to The Oregon Twins' completely murder-free mysteries!

If you do not want plot points for our episodes spoiled, then read no further!







Episode 1: Are You There God? It's Me, Murder

Description of disappearance of characters’ child (teenaged); scene of a seance and a medium invoking a deceased person; gun fired; description of a murder scene

Episode 2: The Blind Pig 

Character describes discovering their dead spouse; scene in a morgue including brief description of forensic examination of corpse; guns fired at characters; suggestion of character having been poisoned; suggestion of unhealthy drinking habits

Episode 3: The Case of the Squirrelly Swindler

Jokes made at the expense of Mormons

Episode 4: The Machinations of Fear

Description of a murder scene; character describes hunting endangered/extinct animals

Episode 5: Veni, Vidi... Murder

Sexism in university workplace setting; sound of a man being stabbed; description of a murder scene; sound of a corpse being stabbed repeatedly

Episode 6: Handsome Jack

Description of kidnapping; suggested possibility of violence against a woman by her male romantic partner; home burglary and theft; one death by police shooting

Episode 7: The Case of the Perilously Misplaced Placard

Suggestion of character being homophobic or ignorant about homosexuality; competitive sibling relationship;  possible home burglary and theft

Episode 8: Going Once, Going Twice... Murder

Character describes witnessing a murder; character exhibits classism; sexual relationship between young woman and much older man; joke implying the aforementioned young woman is in high school; disruption of people’s perception of time

Episode 9: Murder at Massacre Pines

Character displays ageist attitude, delivers ageist insults to elderly character; character is shot and dies; implication of parent death or abandonment

Episode 10: The Empire State

Threat of explosive destroying building with people inside; mention of the death of a friend; frequent mention of the death of a character's father; gambling; guns present but not fired; classist attitudes

Episode 11: The Away Game Apoplexy

Siblings rivalry; sports-related gender stereotypes; sounds of a hawk attacking a character; gambling; character undergoes allergic shock that requires a hospital visit; adult authority figure deliberately inducing an allergic reaction in a young character; swearing (bleeped)

Episode 12: Special HolidayThingtacular

Character interacts with ghost of deceased father

Episode 13: The Patrick Paradox

Potential mental illness treated cavalierly by other characters; unclear distinction between reality and non-reality; potential death of a spouse; described death of two unknown characters.

Episode 14: The London Dog-Napper

Safety of an animal is threatened; description of animals being kidnapped; gunshot; death of a character by shooting.

Episode 15: The Case of the Confounding Crush

Teen awkwardness at middle school dance.

Episode 16: The Portrait of Frederick West

Description of death and autopsy of character; description of drug use.

Episode 18: Excuse Me Waiter, There's A Murder In My Soup!

Character with allergy insulted due to allergy; peanut allergies treated as not severe; character death due to allergy; presence and description of dead body throughout numerous scenes; explosion of dead body; generally super gross episode.  

Episode 19: Catch Me Who Can

Mysterious death of a minor character; mockery of said death by another character.

Episode 20: The Villainous Vindication

Sounds of character choking; deaths of several characters (one in scene).

Episode 21: The Case of the Plundered Prize-Winning Paper

Character with extreme social anxiety (other characters comment on in a diminutive manner).

Episode 22: There's No Murder Like Show Murder

Misogynist comments; several character deaths (at least one in scene); conspiracy.

Episode 23: The Sound of the Vesper Belles

Character describes the untimely deaths of her sisters.